Our Adult Ministries are designed to prepare, challenge, and inspire women and men to a life of Christian discipleship. Our Sunday School classes, as well as information on our gender-specific ministries, can all be found in this section.

If you have a question or a suggestion about our Adult Ministries, please contact Carolyn McGee.


Adult Sunday School

Sunday School classes meet year-round, with studies beginning at various times during the year. You are invited to visit any group to simply observe, or you may join at any point in a study. Don't wait for a new study to begin – get connected today!

Faith Seekers Class: This adult class seeks to gain a better understanding of the Bible through knowledge and discussion. They choose current and classic studies and books for discussion. Meets in Room 208 at 8:30 am. 

Adult Fellowship Class: This class uses guided studies on various topics that run several weeks each. Selected leaders guide discussion. Meets in Room 208 at 11:15 am.

 Faith Explorers: This group of adults gathers together to explore their faith. They read books that span from spiritual writings of the ancient fathers to contemporary topics. Meets in Room 308 at 11:10 am.

 This Sunday School class has adopted the following welcoming statement: "We, the members of the Faith Explorers class at Charlottesville First United Methodist Church, Charlottesville VA are committed to be welcoming and sharing of the good news of Jesus Christ to all persons in God’s creation. We believe that Jesus taught that we are all God’s children regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or physical or mental disabilities. Thus we affirm that all of God’s creation is entitled to respect, dignity, kindness, equality and a place at His table. Just as we welcome divergent views and theological ideas, we encourage the inclusion and participation in our studies and activities of all persons and seek out and make special invitations to include those persons who may feel vulnerable or uncomfortable in our society. John Wesley preached that there is no holiness but social holiness. We will strive to follow his lead." 


Women's Ministry

Our women's ministries include weekly Bible studies, prayer groups, and monthly fellowship opportunities.

The Women at the Well, Bible Study: This group faithfully supports each other spiritually through study and prayer. The studies vary from specific books of the Bible, to prayer, spiritual growth, and contemporary literature as well as classic books. The group meets on Thursdays at the church and by Zoom in Room 308 from 9:30 - 11:00 am. For questions, please email Carolyn McGee.



Men's Ministry

Men's Group: Meet with men of all ages to study, fellowship, and support each other every Tuesday morning at the 5th Street Station Wegmans at 8:00 am. For more information, please contact Jim Berlin.



Prayer Ministry

Prayer Team: Meets every Tuesday at 12:00 pm over Zoom to hear and pray for concerns and celebrate praises in our church family and beyond. For more information, please contact Carolyn McGee.