Charlottesville is a vibrant, diverse, complex city filled with amazing, gifted people. As a community of faith located in the heart of Charlottesville’s downtown, we believe that God has put us together to be in relationship with the people of this place. And the message we have is one of hope, wonder, promise, and life.

We believe in people because we believe in the God who came to be in relationship with the world in Jesus Christ. So our community runs on love—the love that created the universe and that came to put down every enemy of that love. Our rhythm of life is based on gathering to proclaim and receive that love in worship and going out into the world to reflect it. 

As the pastor of Charlottesville FUMC, I hope that what I’ve described above looks like the community you see in our in-person and online settings, in our small groups, our music, our service, and our arts. This is not a perfect church and we are not perfect people. But you’d be surprised what can happen when imperfect people encounter God’s love in Jesus Christ.

And that’s what I believe.

Rev. Alex Joyner
Contact Rev. Joyner



The words composed here represent the work of the Holy Spirit in guiding this congregation toward a deeper understanding and love of God and Neighbor.



Mission Statement

"Changing lives through Jesus Christ." 



Welcoming Statement

First United Methodist Church, Charlottesville, welcomes and affirms people of every age, race, nationality, culture, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, and economic status. Join us in our faith journey toward greater love, understanding, and mutual respect.



Vision Statement

Our vision is to Love the Whole City & Love the City Whole, Starting Right Here!




As a United Methodist Church we are connected with other churches through the larger district, conference, and denominational structures.