CFUMC wishes to make the facility available to individuals, groups, or organizations for meetings or other events whenever possible.
For those meetings or events, however, that are not part of the ministry of CFUMC, minimum donations have been established for use of the facility. The minimum donations are found in the Current Facilities Use Schedule.
If you would like to reserve a room at the church, please review the documents below. Once your request has been submitted using the Facilities Use Request Form, the church office will send you a confirmation email and provide some additional information about your reservation. If you do not hear from the church office, then your reservation is not finalized.
Please contact the church office at or at (434) 296-6193 with any questions about these forms, the process, or to create a reservation.
Please review these documents and submit a Request Form if you are interested in reserving the facilities.
Facility Use Guidelines
Facility Use Request Form