Charlottesville First UMC is dedicated to serving our community, starting right here! There are plenty of opportunities for those who want to serve within our congregation. The ministries and programs below are beneficial to our church community.
Music Ministries
Our Music Ministry includes choirs, bands, instrumental ensembles, and soloists of both traditional and contemporary sounds. There is no shortage of ways to praise God through music, and everyone is invited to explore the gift of music, even if you are just singing along in the congregation!
Worship Choir: Meets Tuesday evenings at 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary, contact Kevin White
First Handbells: Contact Kevin White
We are on the search for talented musicians who love to lead praise through contemporary Christian music. Contact our Music Director, Kevin White, if you are interested.
Whether you help behind the scenes or are actively participating, worship services have many elements of preparation and direct assistance: singing, reading scripture, playing an instrument, greeting, or helping serve communion.
Below are just some of the ways that you can get involved in worship services:
Singing with the Worship Choir, the Worship Band, or as a soloist
Scripture readers
Communion Stewards: Prepare the communion elements of bread and juice
Communion Helpers: Assist in serving communion - don't worry, instructions are given before serving!
Acolytes: Children and youth are invited to participate as acolytes by lighting and extinguishing the altar candles
Greeters: Assist people in finding a seat, help collect the offering, and assist with communion
To volunteer or request more information about volunteering with worship, contact Carolyn McGee.
Nurture groups care for our church family through education, programs, and caring ministries.
Homebound Communion: Volunteers take communion to homebound members so that they may participate in the sacrament. Instruction and equipment will be provided.
Letter Writers: Spread kindness and connect through conversation by writing cards to two homebound people each month.
Martha Ministry: Help cook and distribute meals for families that are experiencing a difficult time.
Nurture Team: Plan church activities with the intention to nurture the congregation.
Shepherd Ministry: Individuals volunteering as shepherds periodically touch base with a few members of our congregation.
To volunteer or request more information please contact Carolyn McGee, Nurture Ministries.
Our pastor, Rev. Alex Joyner, is available if you are in need of counseling or are experiencing a crisis. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to him if you are in need of additional support.
We hope that as soon as you step foot on our grounds, you feel welcomed. The people in our community take the time to intentionally welcome and greet people, whether you are a member or a visitor. If you have the gift of hospitality, there are several ways you can help.
Portico Café: Help to prepare the coffee and snacks that we serve after 10:00 am worship services out on the portico of our beautiful building.
Greeters: Welcome people who are joining us for worship on Sunday mornings, distribute bulletins, and be on hand to answer questions.
To volunteer or request more information about how you can serve in our hospitality ministries, please contact Carolyn McGee.
Our One Thing Ministry for the month of February will benefit the wonderful of work of our church member, Dr. Denise Young!
Dr. Young is an Obstetrics and Gynecology expert and the daughter of Margaret and Ken Stickley. She works with many underserved women in Charlottesville and Louisa County. To support their journey into parenthood, we are collecting:
- Diapers, sizes 1-2
- Baby thermometers
- A&D Cream (or any other diaper cream)
- Vaseline
- Simple infant toys
- Board books for infants
- Gently used or new infant clothes
- We will be requesting formula as soon as we know which brands are preferred
Thank you in advance for your generosity as we support these women, who are experiencing housing and food insecurity and will now have another little soul to care for! Please place your donations in the red bins in the Welcome Center.
Questions? Email Carolyn McGee for more information.
Thank you in advance!